Droolmaster, here's your damned game. Have fun with it ~__~
Initial seeding maybe pretty slow. Somehow it hasn't even started seeding yet. However seeding should go pretty fast after the bot finishes the torrent. So Droolmaster, when you wake up at like, 8, you should get your top download speed (about 25 kb/s? lol)
Edit: lol, azereus was capped at 30 kb/s upload. It's going at a steady 110 kb/s now; that should be respectable. Also people, we need "Dead soul revolver" raws (it's a manga). And we could use someone interested in helping to edit manga or translate. Or even someone who wants to write articles at the blog. We need to spicen things up a bit ^^
Ow, and for all you guys who aren't Droolmaster, this game is obviously in Japanese; it hasn't been translated. Not that the name of the blog confuses you or anything...