Yay~ It's more stuff out~ We keep on being random by releasing a hentai doujinshi this time. It's of the anime series "Dennou Coil", and because I threw away the translation script and I can't remember the exact name (and I ain't gonna bother looking up all those kanji on the cover again) I named it "Brain rape". I recall it being something like "Dennou coil: brain gang rape" or something, but brain rape sounds sufficient to get the thought across, get it?
This doujinshi is in memorium of 1 TMA 3. It's the name of the class I was in for the first half of this school year. It got disbanded because, well, to be frank, we sucked. >< (Seriously, not enough people to continue the class ><) Also we feel like we should put the Japanese classes we get to good use, lol. The torrent you'll be able to find by clicking here.
It's a special release, as this doujinshi isn't even out on the net as a raw yet. We gotz it from Fapan ourselves~ Fwee~
Okay, on other news, the Dead soul revolver second chapter thingy is, well, late. I know. Blame him. Also, we miss the next chapters, raw. So again, if anyone can help us find chapters 3+ for Dead Soul Revolver, we'd very much appreciate your help. Don't be afraid to give us an email (adres on the top right).
Also, please email us if you want to translate a manga or an OVA here and there. Currently we are trying to sub Hoshi no umi no amuri (an all 3d OVA), and we'd like to sub some more OVA's in the future. If we can, maybe a full anime, who knows?
And that's it for now. We might release a torrent with the .mp3's of the anime 3d OVA mentioned above, because only a retarded .ape file was released. Other than that, we'll just continue keeping what we'll release, a total secret~ Later~

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