Drooly was o so slow with this one. I had to remind him to edit this every 5 seconds, and it still took ages. Okay, the last 2 days were completely my fault, but still ><. This chapter is cool. We get a new hot chick in the mix and we see some more story. A VERY hot 14th page and well; that's it sadly. Lots of fanservice, but sadly that's not accompanied by awesome plot coverage. It's still good though. By the way, we see a lack of love here on this blog, so leave a comment for a change, you lazy bastards.
The third chapter might take very long indeed, since we haven't been able to find the raw on the internet anywhere. We are very tempted indeed to just go and order this from Japan. Here's where we need your help. It's a waste to just order one manga! That's why we need you guys to give us a few suggestions of things to order (which could also mean we could scanlate it if we like it). Suggestions have to be manga released no earlier than July of last year, and have no scanlations yet. So dump your suggestions in the comments below; preferably in 15 hours or so, since I'm going to order the manga around that time.
Also, we need you! Editors, translators, "cleaners", heck we can even use you if you live in Japan (and want to help out by walking in a manga store and getting us the manga and sending it over here, we'll pay you of course (for the manga and the shipping><)) So, I suppose that's it. I have like, 2 more missions left in the Settlers game, so I'll be slaving away at that tomorrow. Expect a new manga release somewhere this or next week. It's by the same artist that does Dead Soul Revolver, so you know it's good~ This time even the story is interesting >< *sighs* Blogger sucks. Keeps wharping my posts.

Gah! Why do you get to be Miyu! That's no fair!
And why is the blogs GUI in Dutch... :P When I saw "REACTIES" I thought it was some cool word you came up with.
Now I'm just upset :P
I, representative of lazy leechers worldwide, demand more dead soul revolver chapters and pronto.
no seriously thanks and hoping for more o/
a comment, as requested. :P also, dutch rox :D
Guess I should read this asap?
and yeah, manga is one of those things you can't have enough of, like HD space.
moar haado's plz :D
Hmmm, seems to be a nice series, great quality too :D
btw, there's a typo in c2 page 2, "unexplainble". v2 release possible?, would be a shame otherwise :P
oh yeah, before I forget: you may wanna make the pages a bit smaller in size... and drop the thumbs.db files from the rar files. They're useless.
hey we're not lazy we just wanted to read the manga as soon as possible!
But good job for doing this!
This is what I meant with wanting comments; thanks guys.
As for the typo; I think releasing a version 2 is a bit too much >< I'll just release the one faulty image so people can replace it.
Also, since I thought we have about the most awesome editor's pages ever, it's strange to see that we don't have any comments on that yet ><
I WILL be deleting the thumbsthing; heck, I thought I had deleted it ><. And I don't know about the size of the scans. I will be ordering the rest of the manga from Japan today *looks at shiny creditcard he got to borrow* and I'll have to scan this is myself, so who knows what the size will be ><.
thanks for new manga and can you consider kure-nai as other manga serie wich you translate?
it is said that binktopia has drop it ...
Very nice manga , and also a good work on the release
Hot <3
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